Please take notes based on the guiding questions
2018 -2020 → riset
2020 → debut
2023 → integrasi produk
Business Diagnostic Assessment
Impact and Sustainability:
- How clear are your social impact goals, and how are they reflected in your operations?
- Do you have your own theory of change or impact model?
- Who and how many are your main beneficiaries?
- Have you been able to quantify your impact on beneficiaries? If so, what measurable results have you achieved?
- Measurement tools sudah ada
- What challenges have you encountered in measuring your environmental sustainability practices?
Product/Market Fit:
- How ready is your product/service for the market, and what are the challenges in achieving market readiness?
- What is your current product's level?
- Masih di tahap development, untuk RnD 2.1 dengan tujuan untuk showcasing product
- Ingin mendapatkan sistem yang clear untuk tahapan development dan mengikuti permintaan2 dari potential klien seperti PLN - SKLU untuk ditambahkan alga supaya bisa mengukur CO2
- How do you validate your product / service toward customer or the problem you address
- Do you have guidelines, policies, or standard operational procedure for your product or operation?
- What are the main challenges now you are facing in developing your product?
- RnD dikerjakan sendiri, untuk RnD ini sudah ada frameworknya
- Bisa jadi bahan untuk mentoring
- How well does your product/service fit the current market needs?
- Who is your current target market? And, market who already buy in the product?
- Podomoro Group, alatnya (hanya 1) sudah diuji coba di kantor dan taman kantor
- Target market: Company/corporate
- What are the main obstacles you've faced in penetrating your target market?
- awareness target market(masyarakat) terkait dengan polusi udara